Battery Storage
Battery storage refers to the storing electrical energy in a battery. More commonly, the focus is on lithium batteries. In the modern-day, lithium batteries provide energy storage for devices (cars, off grid smart phones etc) and homes and businesses. Companies such as TESLA have in-home batteries and large-scale batteries to assist utilities with power grid management, especially in peak energy periods.
It is important to keep a close watch on the battery energy storage sector as it is forever progressing.
We utilise batteries for our off-grid projects and on-grid projects that have a low carbon or minimal electricity-from-grid ambitions. Most major battery storage systems (small to large) have only been in operation for less time than their warranty periods offer performance guarantees.
As time progresses, our confidence in certain battery brands increases. The more confidence we have in a brand, the more definitive our recommendations become. It will take some time to determine the optimal selections as we watch the lifecycle of the battery industry mature.
Currently, we focus on specifying world leading brands for most of our design specifications, backed by large multi-nationals that are trusted household names. We monitor installed battery systems and take note of service back up capability of each supplier, seeking to build relationships with companies that take full responsibility for product and warranty support.